Tag Archives: Domain

Not much going on today!! – Day 5

So, I was pretty much given the day off today due to my Medical, which once again never happened. Helen is only back next week I am now told, and apparently I don’t actually need to forms for the Medical. So I cruised into work anyway, to get my laptop synched and setup on the domain, which was actually a bad mistake.

I arrived around 12h I think, can’t really remember, but think it was around then. Well, at about 14h it was still downloading and installing updates, from the SUS server it appears, and that then took forever. Well, I left around 14h30 I think, and headed off back home, well, to mom’s office to get myself up and running there and sort out a whole host of things there too. Rescheduled the Medical for Tuesday at 11h30, so that should be okay then.

Otherwise quiet weekend ahead I think, so we’ll see how it goes. Drinks with Lee-Anne Someone tonight, after having been stood up already from last night, I don’t hold much faith in them happening, and am trying to remembered why the hell I even asked her to drinks again. Hmmm, think it was one of those impulsive things to do at the time. Well, let’s see!



Easy Going Guy 😉